Hi. I'm Fran Dios.
Welcome to my website.
Listener, learner & Fullstack Engineer

In this space I share small tips I learn while working as a fullstack engineer or general thoughts about life in Japan, where I currently reside. Some of my favourite techs these days are Vite, Vue and Cloudflare Workers. Have a look at the blog for more information or scroll down for a quick portfolio.

Here are some open source projects I've worked on

  • Vitedge
    Edge Side Rendering and fullstack Vite framework.
  • Vue Tiny Validator
    Tiny form validation tool for Vue 3.
  • Vite SSR
    Simple SSR using Vite in Node.js.
  • Vue Use Stripe
    Thin Vue 3 wrapper for Stripe.js.
  • Geo Suggest
    Renderless Vue component for finding addresses using Google Places API.
  • Multienv Loader
    A configurable .env file loader for Node.js inspired by Dotenv and Vue CLI.
  • A GraphQL ready, very opinionated Vue SPA template for Vue CLI 3.
  • Medium JSON Feed
    Get Medium articles in JSON format from a Node.js server.
  • Onsen UI
    Framework-agnostic UI components for creating hybrid mobile apps.

Get to know me

I enjoy all things tech and all things coconut. Some of my work so far includes fullstack design and implementation, system architecture and mentoring younger devs. While I'm not doing tech stuff you can find me swimming or reading either epic fantasy or self-development books. I also love tomatoes.

Contact me

Feel free to drop me a message here or say hi via Twitter.